Fouress SHIP Services

Fouress SHIP Services is a trading company which operates in the food and drink business areas and has a role as facilitators in the placement of high-quality food products in foreign markets. For this purpose we have dedicated teams and offices located in Swiss.

Import Expor Trading and Logistics

Fouress SHIP Services

Our Background & Organization

FOURESS SHIP SERVICES AG was founded as of February 2021 in Kanton Zug with a purpose to introduce a holistic approach to trading activity day by day and IT services.

Target clients are ambitious companies who seek the best practices in the industry. FOURESS offers inter- disciplinary and multi-jurisdictional experience gathered within its organization.

Headquartered in the Kanton Zug, Fouress has already extended into international business centers with its associates present in London, Singapore, Amsterdam and Toronto.

Fouress is comprised of senior executives amalgamating diverse backgrounds with international experience.

Sharing common set of values, Fouress is committed to deliver results with utmost international professionalism and ethical standards.

Fouress Ship Services

We provide solutions

As a finance and business advisory partner, Fouress Ship Services provides solutions that enable businesses to remain stable and sustainable.

We become an integral part of our client’s business and deliver tangible results that directly contribute to its growth by employing our expertise in three main areas:

  • Commodity Trade Finance

  • Advisory